Saturday, June 15, 2013

suffer from the effects of yo-yo-dieting

With sixty percent of the nation suffering from obesity, even more suffer from the effects of yo-yo-dieting. Most of us want to look thin, in shape, young and nice, but we also want a diet that will make us lose weight quickly. Everyone is on the conquest to find the fountain of youth and because of that, there are new diets being developed each and every year.

Diets Create Confusion
As a result of this drive for weight loss, books, diet centers, fitness centers and electronic information has emerged. However, most of this information does nothing more than to simply confuse us all. Are we supposed to follow the food pyramid as they taught us in school or are carbs the bane of our existence? With all of the rules on calorie counts, indexes, guides and rates, how exactly do you lose weight? The problem with most of these diets is that there is a yo-yo diet rebound effect, meaning that you will gain back even more weight than what you lost on one of these diets. Plus, many of these fad diets simply lead to additional health problems because your nutrition is completely off balance, such as bone loss, sexual problems and kidney failure. Diets don't work, but what does is fast weight loss through detox. If you cleanse and detox your body, you will find that it will work harder and it will work for you.

A Study of Rationales
There are several mainstream thoughts and rationales in the dieting world. Most of these diets do not work and some only add to the problem in the first place, unlike fast weight loss through detox, which cleanses your body of all of the toxins that are causing your body to create excess weight. Success or failure of a diet has always been dependent on how well scientists and dieticians can manipulate the body's metabolism with other techniques, such as fitness, exercise and stress management. The folly of the fad diets began in the 80s and 90s. There were no diets prior to this time. These diets began as a result of an agricultural and economic boom in the U.S. following difficult times including hunger caused by the Great Depression and two World Wars. The first diets that appeared during this time was the Parcell's School of Thought, the Atkins Program and the Pritikin model. These were the first recognized diets and they were used to help these post war and post crisis eaters lose weight. At this time, fast weight loss through detox was not even a thought at this point in our history.

It's All in How You Wear It
One thing that we know to be certain is that weight is a matter of style. Was your grandmother large, but also incredibly happy? If you watch an old movie, the actors and popular figures of the time that are overweight appear to be incredibly comfortable in their bodies. Old time doctors also believed that we got fat because we consumed too many calories and by overeating. From that line of thought, we ended up with dozens of fad diets. When you break these diets down we know that they fall into three distinct categories:

?Diets that promote low carb, high fat and high protein.
?Diets that recommend high carb, low fat and moderate protein.
?Diets that promote low carb, low fat, moderate protein and fiber.

The Side Effects of Popular Diets
Many of these diets simply cause deprivation in the diet and this leads to the rebound effect that causes you to crave foods and overeat, resulting in gaining the weight back. This does not occur with fast weight loss through detox, because your body is not being deprived of nutrients. In fact, it's receiving all of the nutrients you need and more. For instance, a diet in the low carb category deprives your body of minerals, electrolytes and fibers. In some instances, blood sugar levels are even jeopardized and there are few antioxidants to rid the body of free radicals. The result? Poor skin, memory loss, high cholesterol, kidney failure, bone loss and shrinking muscles, or ketosis. Who wants to subject themselves to this type of torture?

Okay, so what about the diets that are based on high fat, low carb and moderate proteins? The weight loss is often rapid, but it is not so without a long fasting period and heavy exercise. The result is highly similar to those above with the same side effects and the rebound effect of gaining more weight than what was lost. There is also a similar school of thought that follows the four-blood type theory. This theory has been extensively researched in the past twenty years by Peter D'Adamo, ND and his father spent his life researching the theory, but these plans have been highly criticized by scholars and the outcome of these diets is never shown to be superior to others.

This leads to another diet called, The Zone. There are actually several Zone theories including "The Age Free Zone" and the "Top 100 Zone Foods." These are all popular because they focus more on the hormonal side of eating and other innovative eating strategies. They also include the benefit of fiber, Omega-3 oils and insulin control, but they are all high criticized as simply being too hard to follow. In order for these to work in the general public, the scientific language and mathematics portion of the diet needs to be translated into something the public can follow easily.

Diets in Our School of Thought
Interpreting these diets is something that the "Fat Flush" and "Beyond Pritikin" diets have tried to do. These diets are a combination of principles of the Zone diet, fast weight loss through detox (particularly of the liver), and colon cleansing. Although this strategy has been criticized to an extent, it is not one that goes against the Martha's Vineyard Detox plan because it stresses the importance of liver detox.
Two other schools of thought, the South Beach Diet and Sonoma Diet, are similar to that of the Martha's Vineyard Detox diet. This is because they devote a large area of the diet to eating live and natural foods. By live food, we mean the natural environment where the food is produced or consumed and not food that is manmade and includes a lot of chemicals that cause more harm than good. Plus, fast weight loss through detox and natural cleansing help to enhance out metabolism naturally and leads to natural weight loss. The Sonoma Diet is one inspired by the way of life eating habits of Mediterranean countries. These include healthy fats such as olive oil, seeds, nuts and some fish. They are high in essential fatty acids and antioxidants as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. These diets also help to improve the heart and cholesterol levels.

Popular Plans that Require Caution
Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and LA Weight Loss are all diets that are highly advertised on television. They are thought to be highly effective, but you have to be strict in what you eat and you have to exercise a lot. It also follows the calorie count rules, which is something that can be difficult for the average person to follow. Diets that deliver foods to your home also have mixed results as many people don't like the feeling of eating TV dinners and every night and the taste of the food is often left to be desired. They also follow the US FDA food guide pyramid to an extent, which consists of 1200 calories a day, which attracts people because it suggests that they don't need to exercise to lose weight.
Above all, these diets have little scientific information backing them. One is not shown to be more effective than the other and many people on them never reach their goals of weight loss. The only exception to this being Weight Watchers, which does show a 5% weight loss in six months, but after ten years, the average weight loss is no more than three pounds!

The Martha's Vineyard detox diet
Fast weight loss through detox views the body as an organism that is responsible for processing everything that we eat. To keep it working at optimum performance, you have to regularly cleanse your body of all the toxins, pollution and poisons that it accumulates. By doing this you do not have to struggle with what you can and cannot eat as well as how much you can eat. Regular exercise contributes a lot, but so does choosing healthy foods such as good fats, green drinks, foods high in antioxidants and complex carbs. Simply cleansing your body and eating natural foods is the best way to promote weight loss. The results are visible and the benefits are long lasting. To learn more about this diet and the constant attack we face by toxins in our world, pick up 21 Pounds in 21 Days by Dr. Roni Deluz, RN, ND. You will find that fast weight loss through detox is much easier to attain by simply providing your body with the nutrients it needs and getting out the toxins that have been causing you to be sick and overweight.

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