Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Green Tea Extract- The Secret Weapon Of Weight Loss Achievers

Green tea extract weight loss
Did you recognise that green tea extract weight loss can be of very effective aid to people who are urgently searching formulas of droping the excess weight? Weight loss attributes of green tea extracts was an undiscovered truth for many years.

Green tea extract is nowadays one of the most favorite and widely accessible herbal supplements. You can have it easily at your local supermarket, in addition, green tea extracts are presently used in a variety of different energy drinks that can be found  in any convenience store or gas station.
A study wrote in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that there is a correlation between green tea and weight loss. People who drink green tea or take green tea extracts have a faster metabolic rate and fat oxidation. One of the elements is that green tea has caffeine - an ingredient that can be employed for weight loss. However, scientists have also discovered that the effects of green tea go way beyond that of the effects of its caffeine content.

What is also amazing about using green tea extract to lose weight, is that, unlike other herbal products or even prescription drugs that people use, it doesn't cause any objectionable side effects.
The Chinese reputedly discovered green tea extract, weight loss and it's other health benefits several 1000 years ago and found that it did them a world of good. You can experience the healthful feelings too. A cup of green tea primes your mind for a relaxing and successful day. A clean mind, beautiful skin and enough energy for a stroll through the park. Sounds fantastic!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Effective abdominal fat loss tips

abdominal fat loss
It doesn't matter how much an individual crave for abdominal fat loss, let it be known that there's no magical recipe that may eventually allow you to remove the problem within a jiffy. abdominal fat loss would mean patience and dedication to certain methods. Never give upward your dreams though because anybody can surely accomplish this goal easily after they know why this kind of problem even develops.

Here is the most 4 effective abdominal fat loss tips:

Abdominal fat loss tips #1
 Do cardio:
(I recommend high intensity interval exercising) and weight training exercises if you want quick final result. Abdominal fat loss is stubborn, and you are going to have to do high intensity training to attack this area of fat...and of course for absolute abdominal fat loss.

Abdominal fat loss tips #2
Right nutrition:
Understand that if you don't follow proper nutrition, your final result are going to be down to none. As i always say, it begins and ends with correct nutritional. To burn abdominal fat loss, your body needs the appropriate nutrients, the proper amount of calories, and you must eat correctly through out the day.

Abdominal fat loss tips #3
Consistency is the solution if you need to successfully have fast abdominal fat loss. Belly fat is a little hard. It's not going to disappear without you being consistent in the attack of throwing away total body fat from your body.

Abdominal fat loss tips #4
Eat less and more:
If you really need abdominal fat loss you have to adjust your eat pattern.
You will have to eat less each meal.
But wait there is good news also; you should eat more meals in a day.
If you are incertain about adjusting your eat pattern you can see a diet specialist about it.
And don't drink sweet drink anymore if you really need that six pack.

Finally remember, your abdominal  fat loss is your quality of life's gain.

Monday, March 25, 2013

The best weight loss recipes

Weight loss recipes
Fast food is a no no when you're expecting to burn fat (unless you're having a cheat day that is). You are best off sticking with healthy weight loss recipes that will assist your weight loss goals instead of hinder it.

However that doesn't mean you can't have a 'fast food' type meal why you are dieting.
By picking out weight loss recipes that provide adequate nutrition and reduced calories you will reach your goal quicker and much healthier. Keep in mind that a well-adjusted diet is necessary in maintaining a healthy weight.

In this article you will discover a few natural, tasty fat burners that anybody can let in in their healthy weight loss recipes. These are all rich in nutrients and possess Fat-melting talents for you to shed some unwanted pounds off your body.

Weight loss recipes #1 (for breakfast)
Healthy weight loss recipes at Home For Breakfast
Avocado-Raspberry Smoothie recipe. It is an avocado, raspberry and orange juice blended together with no additional ingredients. It is an energy giving breakfast that would be able to wake your senses and get you started with a hyperactive day.

Weight loss recipes #2 (For lunch)
Healthy weight loss recipes at Home For Lunch
If you are dieting for fat loss, sometimes it is difficult to take into consideration healthy lunch options. The pumpkin soup recipe is a wonderful lunch recipe. Pumpkins have low calories and very easy it doesn't contain any cholesterol or saturated fats. Pumpkins are also containing more vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and soluble fiber. Dietitians often advocate pumpkins because it will help in controlling cholesterol and reducing your weight. The low body fat chicken and corn soup recipe is a wonderful winter lunch or dinner. Since it's BBQ chicken then it's rich in protein and makes you feel full as well as completely satisfied soon after eating. This is in addition best for winter months if you are most tempted you can eat some extras.

Weight loss recipes #3 (For dinner)

Healthy weight loss recipes at Home For Dinner
If you are craving for white meat, then cook up some serving of pan roasted chicken. Sprinkle some olive oil on a pan and cook the chicken over medium fire. Stir in some onions wedges and zucchini sticks. Cook until all the ingredients reach the right level of crispiness. Olive oil has less fat than all other types, so you would not need to worry about losing weight. This delicious and healthy dish will be a good alternative to those drab and tasteless dinners that are typically designed for fat loss.

By  eliminating or reducing the fatty components in weight loss recipes you will be able to eat whatever you need to, provided that you count calories and workout regularly. This is a best approach to weight loss, as you will not be following a strict and unpleasant diet. As you will not be depriving yourself of your favorite foods, it is likely you will stick to this dieting process.

Tags: weight loss recipes,weight loss,recipes

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Weight Loss with Water

Weight Loss with Water
Weight Loss with Water: A method to Make Your Body drop Pounds Fast and Keep Them Off!
I usually hear from people who are related that the weight that are dropping off on Medifast is only water weight. This is particularly true in the starting of the diet. I had somebody tell me that she had dropped off five pounds on her 1st week of Medifast, confessed this reality to her friend because she was so proud of herself, and was met with a unfriendly answer when her friend scoffed that her weight loss was only " water" and would be back before she knew it. (The weight stayed off but the friendship was never quite the same again).

Weight loss with water: drinking water is important if you need to lose weight because on weight loss, the body has a lot of waste to get rid off-all that metabolized fat must be cast off. Again, if you want to become leaner, drinking water is a essential for weight loss. Adequate purified water helps flush out the waste. Purified water can assist also to get rid of constipation. When the body gets insufficient water, it siphons what it needs from internal sources.

Here is some "Weight loss with water" Tips:
Weight loss with water tips #1
 Keep drinking water regularly. And when your body begins telling you (or you think it's telling you), "I need a snack," then trick. Drink a large glass of water.
Weight loss with water tips #2
Add a little lemon or lime: To your mega-container, mix it with a squeeze or two of lemon or lime. These citrus fruits act as natural diuretics, and their refreshing taste makes the water go down that much more facile.
Weight loss with water tips #3
If you'd like to, you can equally count non-caffeinated herbal tea - green or white tea, fruit or vegetable juice, or soups as part of your every day water intake. However, you must ensure to add their respective calorie values to your total each day calorie intake.

weight loss with water is really amazing tool.It helps a person reduce their food intake, energize the body because doing so hydrate properly and also flush out bad nutrients that are by the body processes. These properties allow you to become motivated to get rid of weight and keep nutritious. Surprisingly, weight loss with mineral water or hydration levels are still one of the better kept secret weight loss motivation tips in existence.
Tags: Weight Loss with Water,Weight Loss,Water
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Best Foods for Weight Loss and Gaining Six Pack Abs

Vegetables Equal Good Results:
What words most comes up when you think of diet, fruits and vegetables right? Well vegetables are a HUGE advantage when it comes to toning out that stomach and losing weight.

The cool things about them is that they are very calorie dense, they are filled with many vitamins and minerals, and literally no calories, which equals a huge plus for your body's overall health and ability to get rid of fat in your stomach area.

So what you want to do is keep your vegetable intake up because it is very important when it comes to staying healthy, but also you don't want to overdo it.

Having a high intake of vegetables will definitely help you lose weight and tone out that abdominal area which is what we are really looking for with this program.

Healthy Replacements For High-Calorie Meals:
Another great way way to keep those calories burned, and get the perfect six pack area, is to replace high-calorie meals with your own homemade protein shakes or even protein fruit shakes.

I know this sounds insane because everyone needs their filling dinner and lunches, but just try it out and you'll see how effective it is.

Just get your favorite fruits and even vegetables, then blend it all up with about two scoops of your favorite flavor of protein, and then see how full you get from drinking a glass.

Not only does it keep your calories way down, but after one glass a protein shake, you'll be much more filled than you think you will be.

The reason people crave foods with more calories is for one simple reason, which is that they are hungry.

However, if you can monitor and control this hunger, then you'll be completely set to lose as much weight as your heart desires.

The way to control this hunger, is by making your own homemade protein shakes and smoothies because these fill you up and take over that hunger you once had, by substituting your hunger with a good "high protein meal in a cup."

The reason protein shakes and smoothies can make such a significant different in your appearance is because it can reduce your calories and still fill that appetite with a sweet tasting, nutrient-rich healthy meal in a cup.

Also, you can satisfy your hunger by trying something new and creative. Just go to your local health food store, and there should be a wide variety of selections that allow you to replace that old nasty diet, with something healthier and still filling.

There are all kinds of healthy, quick meals out there, just take a visit to your local health food store and I'm sure you'll find something delicious, filling, and healthy for your system.

A Healthy Sweet Tooth:
I know that you NEED your sugary foods, and I have a great and healthy alternative to fix this problem.

Many people crave sugar like crazy, but when you're wanting to lose weight and get that toned stomach, you want to cut out sugary foods completely from the diet equation.

What you can do to get rid of these sugary foods from your diet, and still find that sweet pleasure you long for in those sugary foods, it so substitute refined sugar for sweet fruits, and anything you can find to cover in honey.

Im serious about the honey, because no one really recognizes just how healthy honey can be for you. Honey is an amazing sugar alternative because it is great for you and yet still satisfies that sugary craving you get in the middle of the day or late at night.

For example, let's say you're craving a piece of that chocolate cake that's fresh out of the oven, or you're craving a gallon of ice cream.

When you get this craving, immediately find any healthy fruit like a banana, or even a piece of whole-grain toast, and cover it in honey, and I promise you'll feel amazing about the decision you made and still satisfy that sugary craving.

Sugar is the silent little killer, especially when it comes to killing your dreams of losing weight. For this reason, cutting down on sugar is one of the most important key points in losing weight fast, and even developing six pack abdominals.

So, take my advice and do all you can to replace your old sugary snack foods, with healthier alternatives that still satisfy that good old sweet toot we all have so often.

White Bread Equals Bad Health:
Another thing you want to replace is white bread, or anything made from white bread, because this turns into sugar the instant your body digests it. And again, you do NOT want a lot of sugary foods in your body.

Like I said previously, sugar is horrible for your body, and white bread is one of those sugars in disguise, because once it hits your body, its instant sugar. So, beware of white bread, and don't fall for white bread's disguise like so many people do today.

What you can do is replace white bread with whole-grain bread, or even multi-grain bread because this is much much healthier for your body, especially when you are looking to lose weight and get those toned abdominals to show off.

Multi grain bread and whole grain bread give you extra nutrients, and speed up weight loss and muscle building, because of the nuts found in multi-grain breads.

Utilize All Of Nature's Healthy Sources:
The last thing you want to do is utilize all the natural sources of healthy fats that you can get.
By doing this, you are replacing your body's bad fats with the good kind of fat your body needs on a daily basis, while your weight loss diet is benefiting from your decision to utilize these natural foods.

The kinds of foods I'm talking about include fish, nuts, coconut milk, and even more that don't need to be listed because I think you have the idea of what kind of natural fats you want to be looking for.

Final Words:
Modify your existing diet so that you eat healthier food. Eat foods that are good for your body such as more veggies and salads cooked in less oil and salt. You don't have to suffer you just need to educate yourself on food.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Smoothie Ingredients To Build Muscle & Boost Weight Loss

Smoothies are a great way to start your day or even as a snack through at your day.

 Additionally, smoothies can be used as a meal replacement for busy people who are on the go.  The great thing about smoothies is that they are loaded with nutritious ingredients that boost brainpower, increase your energy levels, build muscle, burn fat, promote weight loss and help your heart. However, when purchasing pre-made smoothies you don't know all of the ingredients, added sugars, or extra calorie content to boost your nutritional value and get a great smoothie flavor. The best way to maintain the integrity of your smoothie is to make it yourself. Choose from this list of healthy smoothie ingredients. 

Fruit- Fruits are an essential ingredient for a smoothie. You can use almost any fruit to add nutritional value, vitamins, minerals and fiber to your smoothie. Fruits contain important simple sugars such as glucose and fructose that are important for the body and easily digested. Fresh or frozen fruits are viable options for smoothie ingredients. Popular fruits used in smoothies are bananas, pineapple, strawberry, blueberries and mango.

Greens-greens are an essential part of ones diet. That's why they should be added to any smoothie you make. Almost any vegetable can be used in a smoothie but the best are tender leafy greens. Adding greens to your smoothie will increase the number of servings of vegetables you eat per day. Vegetables provide the body with a ton of vitamins and minerals such as sodium, and potassium.  Mineral salts such as these, play a role in almost every cellular function in the body. If fresh greens aren't available powdered greens, barley grass, wheat grass, spirulina (algae) will justify as another option for a serving of vegetables. However, powdered greens don't contain all of the nutrients that its fresh counterparts do.

Protein powder- Protein powder will make your smoothie more filling, especially if you are using it as a meal replacement. Protein builds muscle and burns fat. There are several types of protein powders and even more brands available on the market. The best choice is whey protein because it has a low fat content with tons of amino acids to provide the muscles with a quick release of protein. Soy protein is another good option because it contains phytoestrogens. These compounds mimic the effects of estrogen and balance out hormone levels. For a low sugar option use rice protein powder.

Tea-Tea can be used in a smoothie as a base liquid. Replace water, juice, or milk with cooled tea. Tea is rich in antioxidants, which protects the body from damaging free radicals. Green tea is a great choice, however tea comes in many flavors and brands. Some have additional benefits such as probiotics and treating different ailments.

Non-dairy milk- Milk is normally used as a base for any smoothie, however milk especially whole milk contains fat. For those looking to decrease their calorie intake choose fat free milk or a nondairy alternative. Fat free milk still contains calcium and protein to help build muscle but has no fat. Non-dairy milks include almond milk, hemp milk, rice milk, or kefir. Using a nondairy milk alternative as your smoothie base will change up the flavor, consistency, and nutrients of your smoothie. Almond milk contains magnesium, vitamin E and protein, where as rice milk doesn't naturally contain protein, most manufacturers fortify it with protein, vitamins and minerals. People who have allergies, who are lactose intolerant or allergic to soy, usually consume Rice milk.  Hemp milk contains multiple vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, niacin, etc. In addition it is rich in omega 3 & 6's fatty acids, protein and is safe for people who are allergic to soy or dairy. Kefir is another alternative to milk or yogurt. Kefir is fermented milk drink made from cows, goats, or sheep milk and kefir grains, which is easier to digest than regular whole milk. Kefir contains probiotics and protein.

Flax- Flax is a great, healthy addition to your smoothie. Flax is rich in healthy fats such as omega 3's, high in protein and full in fiber. Flax seeds will add texture to your smoothie but need to be ground up before being added. Flax is also available in oil or in powder.

Nut or Seed butter- To add some healthy fat to your smoothie use a spoonful of seed or nut butter. Healthy fats are needed to absorb fat soluble vitamins A and E. Peanut butter is the most well known nut butter however there are plenty of others such as almond butter, cashew butter, hazelnut butter, pistachio butter, walnut butter, pumpkin seed butter, sesame seed butter, etc. Nut and seed butters have a high fat content so use in moderation. The contain protein, fiber, and essential fatty acids and will make your smoothie rich and creamy.

Chia- Chia seeds are used in both foods and drinks. Chia seeds thicken when added to liquids, therefore it may be necessary to grind up the seeds before adding them to your smoothie. Chia seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, calcium and are a great source of fiber, all of which help to improve the nutritious value of a smoothie.

Cacao- If you are a chocolate lover but don't want the added calories, fat and sugar add cacao to your smoothie. Cacao beans are the dried and fermented seeds from which cocoa solid products and cocoa butter are extracted. Cacao known to the layman as cocoa is the basis for chocolate and will add flavor and nutrients to your smoothie. Cacao are full of flavonoids, which have antioxidant effects on the body. Add cacao powder or nibs (pieces of the bean) to your smoothie.

How to eat for weight loss?

How to eat for weight loss?
Consuming the correct manner is the key to permanent weight loss. In fact,  How to Eat for Weight Loss depends more than what you eat. Still, changing eating habits can prove difficult. Trying to make a 180 degree change in the way you eat overnight isn't realistic or smart. Instead, the way to go is to take small steps and make minor adaptations to your eating habits over time. Trying to do it all at once, generally leads to cheating or abandoning  your new eating resolution. As a final result, cultivation good eating habits-one at a time-is the most trusted way to eating healthier.

Here is the most effective tips to how to eat for weight loss:
How to eat for weight loss tips #1
 Drink water when you're feeling hungry. The body does not always differentiate between thirst and hunger, so many times, when you feel hungry, you are really thirsty. Have some water when you feel hunger coming on, and then wait about half an hour. If you are still hungry, have a snack or a meal. Eating only when you are really hungry is a smart way to eat if you need to lose weight.
How to eat for weight loss tips #2
Don't skip meals
Meal skipping is a sign of disorder. If you regularly skip on meals-especially breakfast-then expect slower metabolism degrees, extreme levels of fatigue, weight loss plateaus or even gains and other serious health troubles. Instead, make certain to eat your meals throughout the day. The most effective way to do so is to opt for 4-5 small meals every 3-4 hours. This is sufficient to hold your metabolism firing and adapt your body with the needed energy to enjoy high levels of running performance.
How to eat for weight loss tips #3
Plan a day preparing your foods
Plan a day preparing your foods. Keep off condiments, seasoning full of sodium and sugars, sauces. Don't abuse "clean" foods. Avoid using oil high in saturated fats, artificial sweeteners. To add flavor, add more fresh pepper, coconut oil, fresh vegetables (not canned), water or herbal teas, raw honey. Eat hormone-free, free range poultry. Take a cooler with you EVERYWHERE. You'll get something healthy for you to eat. Pesticide free fruits and vegetables.

Lastly, the most effective foods to consume for weight loss are ones that speed up your body's metabolism. Foods like fish, chicken, meat and eggs have protein that aids boost weight loss in your body. Accepting these things into account for your weight loss diet plans will benefit you greatly in the long run. If you want to know how to Eat for Weight Loss quick keep in mind water, low cal snack foods and a pre-meal broth.
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Good Eating - Healthy Weight Loss and Fat Burning Foods

Many of us consume whatever we like without putting much thought into it and then leave it to our digestive system to sort out the good from the poison and the nutrients from the junk. In most cases, our digestive system handles this so effectively that we hardly realise the time and labour that went into the metabolism.

But how much more effective would the digestive system be if we actually did put some thought into what we consumed, i.e. eating healthy foods that are rich in nutrition and good for digestion?

That is exactly how healthy weight loss is achieved. By eating foods that stimulate and encourage metabolic processes, the digestive system has a much easier time getting rid of stubborn fat for healthy weight loss.

Such foods are known as fat burning foods. They are in fact fairly common fruits, vegetables and lean meats that contain higher levels of vitamin C, protein or complex carbohydrates, than other non fat burning foods.

Adapting your diet to consist of more fat burning foods, is a proactive way of aiding the digestive system for optimal performance and great results. So which particular foods are said to be excellent for fat burning and healthy weight loss?

Low fat Milk: it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but milk is a rich source of calcium and complex carbohydrates; and unlike whole milk, low fat will certainly not be counterproductive to your weight loss efforts.

Citrus fruits: these fruits are fantastic because they burst with vitamin C, which is in fact acidic. The acidity is great for diluting fats and making them easy to breakdown. Grapefruit is an extra special citrus fruit because it also lowers the levels of insulin in the body, allowing your body to continue burning fats.

Peppers: Cayennes, jalapenos and habarenos are super fat burning vegetables. These spicy bright coloured fruit vegetables can do what only few can do- they get the heart racing - and in the process, speed up metabolism by upto 25%. These vegetables are on fire!

Beans: are not your average vegetables. Classified as legumes, they are rich in proteins; which is exactly what you need for stimulating metabolism and building muscles
Whole grain cereals and oats: are the perfect staple foods for anyone trying to lose weight the healthy way. Being complex carbs, these whole grain friends tend to hang around in the stomach a bit longer and slowly breakdown, so as not to cause fluctuation of insulin in the bloodstream.

Lean meat: is another fantastic fat burning food, for the very reason that it is hard to digest. These protein rich foods are not easy on the digestive system and so have the amazing effect of jump-starting the metabolic processes in the body. Fatty meats (e.g. sausages and pork ribs) are NOT included!

Eggs: are also favourite foods for fat burning because of their rich in nutrition, particularly proteins, but be mindful! They can be counterproductive if consumed in excess.

Fish: is rich in both protein and omega 3 oils and therefore comes highly recommended. The proteins stimulate metabolism and build muscle cells, whereas the omega 3 oils contain an energy regulating hormone which minimises risk of obesity, heart disease and insulin resistance. No need to feel guilty about indulging in fish.

Coffee: as you already know contains caffeine, which is stimulant that increases your heart rate and in turn gets your metabolism going. Caffeinated green tea also has a similar fat burning effect in addition to antioxidant properties.

Olive oil: is one of a kind. It's great for hair, skin and also fat burning. It's rich in antioxidants and mono-saturated fatty acids, which helps keep your cholesterol down and your immune system at optimal.

Green Tea Supplement: Weight Loss Aid

Green tea has been known to have beneficial effects when it comes to losing weight. With the proven success of the beverage in reducing body weight, more and more people endeavor to use green tea supplement in their weight loss plans. Here are some of the reasons why green tea is a valuable aid for people who want to lose unwanted body weight. 

1. Green tea boosts metabolic weight loss

Drinking green tea extract has been reported in recent studies to produce a significant increase in energy expenditure, also called a metabolism boost. The researchers of the study have discovered that green tea supplement helps speed up the body's metabolic rate by 4 percent. These metabolic effects on the body have been attributed to the high concentrations of catechin polyphenols found in green tea. These polyphenols are likewise effective in accelerating the process of fat oxidation.

2. Green tea promotes thermogenesis

Green tea in weight loss programs can also enhance thermogenesis, the process where the body burns fat and releases calories. The improvement of thermogenesis occurs when catechin polyphenols found in green tea interact with caffeine content. This is the reason why weight loss plans based on green tea supplement is effective in stimulating the body's metabolic rates.

3. Green tea helps burn fat

Studies also suggest that green tea extract may help in burning fat. One study proved that the combination of green tea and caffeine enhanced weight loss and maintenance in overweight and moderately obese people. Several researchers suggest that the polyphenols in green tea, particularly the catechins, are responsible in produce a fat-burning effect.

 4. Green tea suppresses the absorption of fats and helps in the regulation of glucose

The catechins in a green tea supplement are also effective in regulating glucose by stopping it from moving into fat cells. As the catechins in green tea suppress the fat-cell-bound movement of glucose, the rise in blood sugar, most especially after meals, are slowed down, thereby preventing episodes of high insulin spikes. Increase in insulin is associated with storage of fats.

5. Green tea helps in reducing fat digestion

Another benefit that green tea supplement can offer for people who want to lose weight is its ability to decrease the rate of fat digestion, making it crucial in controlling a person's weight. Through the action of green tea polyphenols, digestive lipases are inhibited. This then results in decreased lipolysis of triglycerides, which may translate to decreased lipolysis of triglycerides, which may translate to reduced digestion of fat in humans.

People on weight loss programs can benefit more if they take green tea supplement rather than plainly drink green tea. It was reported in a study that taking green tea supplement is more capable of bring more antioxidants into the bloodstream when compared to just drinking the beverage. The benefits offered by drinking 20 cups of green tea a day can be supplied by just two capsules of green tea supplement, even in cases when health conditions are at its most difficult.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

how many calories should I eat to loss weight?

how many calories should I eat to loss weight?
A lot of people are worried in losing weight and this often results in people demanding the question "how many calories should I eat to loss weight?". Ultimately the response to this question is less than you expend. If you are indeed consuming a lot of calories than you expend then this produces a calorie deficit which is fundamental to losing weight and given time your body will adapt by losing weight.

In case you are questioning "how many calories should I eat to loss weight?" you are going to have to make a few notes. What are your weight loss goalsHow many pounds do you need to lose? What it comes down to is you need to figure out your ideal weight, and make it a goal to achieve that weight.

Example: Let's say you are a 25 years old female with a height of 165 cm/ 5'5'' and a actual weight of 65 kilos/ 130 pounds. Your activity level is lightly active (1-3x sports per week) and now you begin demanding "How many calories should I eat to loss weight?"

Most people intake between 1500 and 2000 calories a day, so consuming off the 500 calories is good. You shouldn't try to take off 1000 calories or more than a day, as it is too taxing on your body. A lot of the calories you consume each day are used for bodily function. Up to 60% of your each day calories are used for breathing, digesting, the circulatory system, organ function, and anything else your body does.

 a lot of people are hung up on the question "How many calories should I eat to loss weight?" Sure, you can count calories, but that will become old real fast. It is perhaps a best idea to watch what types of calories you are consuming. If you eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meat and fish, you will know that these kinds of foods are low in calories to start with and you will not be so hung up on counting every single calorie that you put in your mouth.
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Monday, March 18, 2013

how many calories should I eat to lose weight?

how many calories should I eat to lose weight?
A lot of people are worried in losing weight and this often results in people demanding the question "how many calories should I eat to lose weight?". Ultimately the response to this question is less than you expend. If you are indeed consuming a lot of calories than you expend then this produces a calorie deficit which is fundamental to losing weight and given time your body will adapt by losing weight.

In case you are questioning "how many calories should I eat to lose weight?" you are going to have to make a few notes. What are your weight loss goals? How many pounds do you need to lose? What it comes down to is you need to figure out your ideal weight, and make it a goal to achieve that weight.

Example: Let's say you are a 25 years old female with a height of 165 cm/ 5'5'' and a actual weight of 65 kilos/ 130 pounds. Your activity level is lightly active (1-3x sports per week) and now you begin demanding "How many calories should I eat to lose weight?"

Most people intake between 1500 and 2000 calories a day, so consuming off the 500 calories is good. You shouldn't try to take off 1000 calories or more than a day, as it is too taxing on your body. A lot of the calories you consume each day are used for bodily function. Up to 60% of your each day calories are used for breathing, digesting, the circulatory system, organ function, and anything else your body does.

 a lot of people are hung up on the question "How many calories should I eat to lose weight?" Sure, you can count calories, but that will become old real fast. It is perhaps a best idea to watch what types of calories you are consuming. If you eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meat and fish, you will know that these kinds of foods are low in calories to start with and you will not be so hung up on counting every single calorie that you put in your mouth.
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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Weight Loss Programs: The Top Seven Foods for Fat Loss

When it comes to weight loss programs, nothing is more important to your success than your diet! You can slave away at the weights and on the treadmill, but failure to eat the right foods will always hold you back. So what should you eat? There are tons of different diet programs out there, but some foods should be included in any nutritious meal plan. Here are the top seven foods for fat loss

1. Grass-Fed Beef
Cows that have been pasture-raised and fed their natural diet of grass produce some of the healthiest meat available. Some people like grass-fed beef because it's leaner, but it's the fat that really contains the good stuff. Compared to grain fed beef, it's higher in Omega-3 fatty acids, as well as conjugated linoleic acid – a special fat that can you drop excess weight.

2. Broccoli
Eating broccoli is a delicious way to fill up without consuming extra calories. It has also been shown to lower estrogen and raise testosterone in men, creating the ideal hormonal balance for a lean physique. If you're not a fan of broccoli, any fibrous green vegetable is just as good.

3. Eggs
You'll need plenty of protein in your fat loss diet, and there's no cheaper way to get it than eggs. Don't go throwing out your yolks, either. Studies have actually shown no correlation between egg consumption and elevated blood cholesterol. Plus, the yolks have all of the vitamins, minerals, and flavor!

 4. Salmon
Fatty fish like salmon are great sources of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids. If you can't afford to eat the fresh stuff, go for the cans. Since canned salmon is usually wild-caught, it may even be better for you than the farm-raised stuff sold behind the fish counter.

5. Berries
Berries are some of the most potent sources of antioxidants you can get. They're also rich in fiber and lower in sugar than most other fruits, so they won't cause your blood sugar to spike. Fresh berries can be expensive, even in season, but the frozen bags are just fine when you're on a budget.

6. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is almost nothing but saturated fat, but don't let that fool you into think it's unhealthy! Its specific fatty acids are actually rapidly absorbed by the body, giving you an instant source of energy. In fact, recent studies suggest that eating coconut oil can actually signal your body to burn its excess fat.

7. Coffee
While technically not a food, coffee is a potent fat-loss stimulator. Besides, if you live in America, chances are you're already hooked on the stuff! While any form of caffeine can help your body to burn fat, coffee also contains certain compounds which can improve your body's insulin sensitivity. Insulin is the hormone which regulates fat storage, and proper management is one of the keys to successful weight loss programs.

Olive Oil: A Weight Loss Blessing

In Sonoma County each year, there's a special festival called the Blessing of the Olives. That's how central olive trees and the foods they yield are to the economy and the eating habits of the region.

Olive oil, the most treasured gift of these blessed trees, is just as central to The Sonoma Diet. There's probably no food choice you'll make that does more for your health and weight loss efforts than olive oil.

Which is good news for your taste buds, because no other vegetable oil comes close to olive oil's rich and pleasing flavor. It's at the heart of Mediterranean cuisine's appeal. A dish prepared with olive oil almost seems to announce to anyone who smells or tastes it, "I'm special."

Healthy Fat
The research is clear as can be that a major reason for southern Europeans' low rate of heart disease is their liberal use of olive oil as their main source of dietary fat. By adopting olive oil in the same way, you'll get the same benefits. And because you'll learn to enjoy olive oil in healthy amounts in place of the harmful fats you may be used to, you will lose weight.

To appreciate olive oil as a power food, banish from your mind the notion that it's the "least bad" fat. It is a heart-healthy food that is good for you. You need dietary fat to lose weight, but you need the right kind. Olive oil is one of the best. Choose extra-virgin olive oil and you'll also enhance the flavors of your food.
Put simply, the kind of fat that olive oil is mostly made of (monounsaturated fat) actually lowers your levels of the bad LDL cholesterol as well as blood fats called triglycerides. The fats you'll be avoiding (saturated fat) raise those levels. That right there qualifies olive oil as a power food par excellence.

A Wealth of Antioxidants
But there's more. Unique among vegetable oils, olive oil -- particularly extra-virgin olive oil -- is rich in the same family of antioxidant phytonutrients that make all the other power foods on the Top Ten list so effective in preventing heart disease. The same phenols that make olive oil taste so good also make up its main category of antioxidants. Olive oil also contains carotenoids (like beta-carotene) and vitamin E.
In addition, olive oil reduces two other heart disease risks -- high blood pressure and inflammation.

There's Fat and Then There's Fat
As the title tells us, not all fats were created alike. There are three naturally occurring types of fat: saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated, as well as one manufactured fat, known as hydrogenated oil (commonly referred to as trans fat).

The majority of the types of fat you should eat come mostly from plant oils. The healthiest are led by monounsaturated fats, such as extra-virgin olive oil, nuts, canola oil, and avocados. Other healthy oils are found in the polyunsaturated category, such as grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, and the omega-3 oils found in some cold-water fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts.

The kind of fat you must limit eating is the saturated fat found mostly in animal foods such as meats and dairy products, as well as those found in palm and coconut oils. This does not mean you can't eat meat or dairy. You can. But it does mean that you must seek the lean or nonfat versions of meat or dairy foods.

You can recognize saturated fat because it's solid at room temperature or lower -- the white rimming a steak, the marble in prime rib, the chicken fat that skims a soup in the fridge, a stick of butter. Its primary sin is raising the levels of bad LDL cholesterol in your arteries, inviting heart disease. In fact, saturated fat ups your blood cholesterol more than dietary cholesterol itself. Hydrogenated oils should be avoided because they have far worse effects on your health and heart than saturated fats.

Copyright © 2006 Dr. Connie Guttersen, R.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Connie Guttersen, R.D., Ph.D., a leading nutrition expert, has devoted her career to developing flavorful approaches to healthy eating and weight reduction.

A registered dietitian, culinary professional, and nutrition consultant to the world-famous Culinary Institute of America at Greystone, Dr. Guttersen delivers key nutrition messages to the food industry, media, and health professionals by bringing together the art and science of food. She has focused extensively on the health benefits of diets inspired by Mediterranean and other regional cuisines.

Dr. Guttersen's many accomplishments include developing the standards of care for a medical obesity treatment center in Bellevue, Washington, as well as serving as a nutrition consultant for a broad range of companies including Kraft, Nestle, Sodexho Marriott, Radisson Hotels, Hyatt Classic Residences, and Panera Bread.

Dr. Guttersen lives in the beautiful wine country of northern California with her husband and two children.

Diet Loss Tips for Healthy Eating and Weight Loss

This plan isn't about starvation, fad diets, or dangerous diet pills.  There are no special foods to purchase, no diet supplements and no diet drinks.  Just real, honest to goodness food. Can you believe it?  Real food is what is involved in the best diet to lose weight quick. 

Is this plan new?  Nope.  It has been around for several years now, but you may never have heard of it.  Thousands and perhaps even millions of people have lost weight quickly with this method.  If you are serious about quick weight loss, this plan should be your number one choice.

So, what is this secret plan?  An online plan that teaches you how to use normal, everyday foods to increase your metabolism and burn fat.  Sound simple?  It is.  Who said weight loss has to be hard or complicated?  It really doesn't.  No calorie counting, no starvation.  I love this plan - and you will too.

Your body needs calories in order for you to lose weight.  A fast metabolism is part of the reason some people can lose weight quickly, and calories are required in order for your metabolism to work.  When you know how to combine your calories in the right amounts of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, your weight loss worries will be over.  This online plan even has a meal planner, so it does all the work for you!

This is absolutely the best quick weight loss diet you will ever see - I guarantee it.  Totally healthy and safe, you can expect to lose at least 10 pounds in one month, probably more.  All this without spending money on special diet foods!  You don't have to eat tasteless rabbit food, either.

I have found a great program that is flexible, scientific and very easy for you to follow. This diet program will not leave you hungry or deprive you of your favorite foods. You will be able to eat snacks between meals, recommends that you drink plent of water and it has worked wonders for me.

I have lost 25 pounds in about 30 days and i am still on this diet program without having any problems. I honestly can say this is the best weight loss program i have been on. Try this great new weight loss program today. Diet Loss Tips for Healthy Eating and Weight Loss

Tips on Losing Weight: Helpful Eating and Weight Loss Suggestions!

Tips on Losing Weight: Helpful Eating and Weight Loss Suggestions!
There's a wealth of online information about dieting and weight loss, but most of it is just too time consuming for the average person. Making meals and working out on a regular basis take a backseat to more important things including family and our job. Plenty of information when it comes to dieting and usually we brush off some information because we feel it's not truly important when in reality it is. One of these little things that people often overlook is meal frequency.

Eating frequent small meals is important. Each time that you ingest food, your body uses calories as it digests your food and so boosts your metabolism. Nevertheless, your metabolism will decelerate if you go for long periods of time without consuming food.

Just because you have no money for joining a gym doesn't mean you can't work out. There's no need to spend much money at all on exercise. You don't have to join a flashy gym or buy lots of equipment to get fit; simply go for a run on the streets or even just go for a walk! You may dismiss walking as a genuine exercise but it is; it burns off calories and it's a good exercise!

You may decide to skip your exercise for the day if your motivation is poor. That's a crucial slip since you need to be consistent in doing your exercises if you wish to experience good results. You may want to do your work out with pals so you can continue to work out. Everyone in the group will help to motivate each other so that they work harder and longer, resulting in better weight loss results. Just do something simple like running with your friends a few times a week on a regular basis.

The manner by which you make your food is likewise so crucial. Making your meals in healthy ways such as steaming can be crucial in your weight loss endeavors. Steaming vegetables helps them to retain almost all of their nutrients, many of which are lost in other cooking methods. And steamers can cook more than vegetables. They are excellent for cooking many different foods including meat and fish.

Lots of us enjoy going out to see friends and socialize, and some of the most typical places we go to are dining places. One problem with restaurants is that the serving sizes are normally very big so we're almost always eating way too many calories in one sitting. One way to handle this situation is to eat very slowly enabling your stomach to realize it is full, or you can stop eating while you still feel hungry. You might rather order a smaller portion because it will probably be plenty. When you're hungry, you tend to want to order more but you never get through it all.

A lot of small things which affect your body in small ways work unitedly to make a huge difference in your weight loss and health.

Green Coffee Bean Weight Loss

Unroasted coffee beans are called as green coffee beans which taste a bit bitter but are a great option for those who are striving to get their bodies in shape. Around 1100 AD ago the cultivation of coffee beans started around the red sea in the Arabian area; and as roasting was not much practiced during those days green coffee bean was brewed as a beverage like tea. Though the effects of green coffee beans and its.....

 extract have existed since ages but there has been a recent buzz about the connection between green coffee beans and weight loss. A research has found out that green coffee bean if consumed on a daily basis leads to heavy weight loss and thus is of great help for overweight people starving to lose extra body fat. It is also a fact that green coffee does not have any side effects on the human body. Scientists stated that chemical agents present in green coffee beans like polyphenol and chlorogenic acid (which is broken down and thus does not exist in roasted coffee) is the reason that causes burning and preventing the reformation of excess fat in the human body.

The extract from green coffee bean is also specified as a great weight loss agent along with a number of other health benefits. The green coffee beans have properties like antioxidants and anti-inflammatory that helps the human body to release harmful free radicals. It is also proved by the researchers that the Chlorogenic acid has an antihypertensive effect that lowers the blood pressure in the human body. Green coffee bean has less caffeine as compared to roasted coffee beans. Green coffee bean also prepares the human body to be free of cardiovascular diseases. It prevents hypertension, atherosclerosis and some critical diseases too like type II diabetes and cancer and releases stress so that you can healthy and fit.

The Chlorogenic acids present in green coffee beans help in losing excess fat by balancing the blood sugar level by restraining glucose release in the human body. It also boosts liver's metabolic output turning into fat burn. Not only it helps in burning the excess body fat but it also prevents the weight cells to rebuild in the body and thus two mechanisms help one get a perfect slim body. As it is clear that the benefits are in green coffee beans not in roasted coffee as green coffee is unroasted, bitter, has the biggest amount of Chlorogenic Acids and very little aroma. It is said that bitter is better and this comes true with green coffee bean and the fact that Chlorogenic Acid is destroyed while roasting beans which is the main reason for weight loss in one's body.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Losing Weight By Drinking Green Tea

Being overweight has been proven to bring on serious health risks in clinical studies. The important thing is for anyone who is not at the optimum weight to take action and maintain healthy weight levels for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, about 65% of Americans are actually overweight, putting themselves at risk in many ways. Losing weight by drinking green tea is one positive way to take the right action because of the many health benefits that this beverage can bring, aside from just the weight loss. 

For a very long time, nutritionists have always stood behind this beverage, claiming that it has incredible properties, health benefits and is capable of helping people lose weight. Clinical research has shown that it was helpful in all these ways, so long as the individual implements a good fitness routine and eat a healthy weight loss diet. The best part about it is all the health benefits it brings, without any negative impact on the body in any way.

Furthermore, the antioxidants found in this beverage will help the body in so many other ways, such as by boosting your energy levels and keeping you more alert and for longer periods of time. There is no reason to turn to other commercial soda drinks that have so many empty calories and unhealthy types of sugars that only add to your weight problem.

Granted, this is a method used to shed weight gradually, not ever to be confused with a fad diet. That is one of the most important things to remember about drinking green tea for weight loss, is that it can help you shed weight slowly but gradually. Fad diets tend to cause a great deal of weight loss suddenly, which could also pose a huge threat to your health. Instead, the tea will simply speed up your metabolism, aiding the body to burn fat quicker.

 Furthermore, it will suppress the appetite because it stabilizes blood sugar levels. As it does this, individuals just feel fuller and resist temptation to reach for unhealthy snacks.

Moreover, there is the issue with the body storing carbohydrates as fat. This is a natural process that can be interrupted, possibly by consuming green tea. It is believed that it can interfere with the storage process of fat when the beverage is drunk along with a meal. So, the benefits are believed to use the carbohydrates as fuel and energy instead of being stored into the body as fat.

Of course, most of us are already familiar with the detoxifying agents found in the tea. There are many claims of its anti-aging properties, anticancer properties and more.

It is quite obvious for most to see that enjoying this beverage brings on numerous benefits. So, take a few moments to prepare this strength, either hot or cold and start reaping the rewards it offers. It is a great alternative to pouring glass of soda, which would take almost the same amount of time, so do not look for any excuses to opt for the unhealthy choice.

Tava Tea Review - Is Tava Tea More Effective Than Green Tea For Weight Loss?

Weight loss teas are becoming increasingly popular worldwide. While most studies have focused on green tea for weight loss, there are other types of tea that can help you lose weight. Given the wide range and varying quality of weight loss teas, it's not easy to decide which one is right for you. This is no longer an issue with the introduction of Tava Tea Wellness Blend
What is Tava Tea?

Tava Tea is a unique combination of Sencha, Puerh and Wu Yi Cliff Oolong tea. Only the finest, organic whole tea leaves are selected to make this potent blend. These 3 types of tea have been known and used in China for thousand of years for weight loss and other health benefits.

How does Tava Tea work?

The main ingredient in this tea is polyphenol. It is an antioxidant that increases metabolism and burns fat.

One of the causes of body fat storage is insulin spike after eating a carb meal. By drinking Tava Tea within 15 minutes of consuming carbohydrate foods, it can slow down the release of insulin hormone and reduce the likelihood of weight gain.

Polyphenols also have healing properties and health benefits (see below).
 This tea contains high amounts of amino acid L-theanine which regulate appetite and mood. This natural substance restores positive mood and reduces comfort eating.

Summary of Tava Tea benefits

- burns up to 2 times more calories than green tea alone

- improves oral health

- promotes heart health

- lowers cholesterol levels

- strengthens immune system

- improves digestion

- regulates insulin

- calms your mind

- energises your body

- anti ageing

Due to the numerous health benefits, it's no wonder that Tava Tea is more than a weight loss tea!

It uses 100% organic ingredients that have both CERES and USDA organic certifications and is completely natural with no artificial additives.

You can be assured that you are getting the best quality tea manufactured according to high standards. The whole tea leaves are packed into nylon pyramid teabags so that they can be reused several times until all antioxidants and minerals have been fully extracted. No tea dust or scraps are used and no fillers are added.

The manufacturers of Tava Tea Wellness Blend are offering 180-day money back guarantee as they are confident of its effectiveness. If you are not happy with the results, you can ask for a refund.

It is easy and convenient to drink this tea. Simply replace your usual coffee, sodas or fruit juices with Tava Tea Wellness Blend to lose weight or experience its enormous health benefits.

4 Drinks for Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight faster, you should know what drinks and fluids are good for losing weight. Here is our top choice:

Water. Water is always the number one recommendation. You will burn an extra 200 calories a day by drinking 2 l of cold water. A study conducted by Michael Boschman, MD on 14 healthy men and women found that following the consumption of a 17 oz glass of water, metabolic rates temporarily increased by 30% within 10-40 minutes. Also, drinking water with a meal may make you feel full sooner and therefore satisfied eating less. However, for best results it is good to combine water with some fibers. Adequate water consumption really provides the foundation for any good weight loss program

Milk. Drinking fat-free milk for breakfast, can help cut calories at lunchtime and contribute to overall weight loss. Milk may be the beverage of choice for anyone trying to cut calories and lose weight. Milk is a good source of calcium, a mineral that may help us lose weight. Calcium can boost weight loss by increasing fat breakdown in fat cells.

Vegetable Juice. Juices are effective way to lose weight, gain energy, and detoxify the body from the harmful effects of toxins. If you drink at least one glass of low sodium vegetable juice every day , you can cut on your calorie intake . By some studies you will eat 135 calories less than usual. The fruit nectar juice keeps you full and that will help you to lose weight. Also, people who drinking juice were more likely to get the recommended 3 to 5 servings of vegetables daily and to have higher levels of vitamin C and potassium. Researchers point out vegetable consumption helps suppress appetite too.

 Green Tea. It is well known that the benefits of green tea are many. Numerous scientific studies has shown that green tea have weight loss benefits. Green tea acts as a metabolic stimulant. When metabolism speed up, the rate at which calories are burned also speeds up. With green tea , you can burn around 80 calories per day more than usual.

Omega 3 Fish Oil and Weight Loss

A lot of people still don't know there are fat burning foods that can actually increase the number of fat calories your body burns each day? These are know as free foods and are generally low in calories; in fact some of these foods are so low in calories that your body actually burns more calories metabolising them, than the total amount of calories in the food it's self.

Although fat burning foods are important for anyone who wants to lose weight and keep it off for good, they're vital if you're one of these people who find it hard to lose weight. No matter how much exercise you do or how hard you diet, your genetics and metabolic make up play a vital role in determining how fast and how much weight you lose.

Genetic differences also affect how much weight you gain when you eat too much. One study of 12 groups of identical twins was overfed for 100 days. One set of twins gained 29 pounds. A second set, however, gained only 13 pounds even though both sets of twins were overfed with the same number of calories. Of course, fat burning foods won't compensate entirely for genetic differences this ultimately comes down to a balanced calorie controlled eating regime and excersie. They will however make fighting fat a lot easier in the long run.

Types of fat
There are two types of fat "good fat" and "bad fat"
Actually there are 4 types of fat: Monounsaturated, Polyunsaturated, Saturated and Tran's fat, but they can still be catorigised as good and bad.

Monounsaturated (good fats)
Monounsaturated fats are considered good fats and are said to help reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure and to help control diabetes.

These good fats are found in food like; olive oil, peanut oil, cashews, canola oil, hazelnuts, peanuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios, pine nuts and chicken fat.

Polyunsaturated (good fats) omega 3 and omega 6
Polyunsaturated fats are also considered good fats and are said to reduce triglycerides, inflammations and tumour growth. They also help to improve immune function and help protect against sudden death from heart disease.

Polyunsaturated fats can be broken down into two categories: Omega 3 and Omega 6
Omega 3 is found in foods like Canola oil, walnuts, flaxseeds, hempseeds, salmon, mackerel, trout, tuna, sardines, and herring.

Omega 6 is found in foods like safflower oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, nuts, beans and soft margarine.

Saturated (bad fats)
Saturated fats are bad fats; they raise cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. In fact they are twice as potent at raising your bad cholesterol levels as polyunsaturated fats are at lowering them. It is difficult to eliminate these fats from your diet but one way to reduce them is to choose fat free milk and other dairy products.

Saturated fats can be found in foods such as meats, whole milk, cheese, palm and coconut oil.
Trans (bad fats)
Tran's fats are the ugly fats; they raise bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower good cholesterol (HDL). They increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Tran's fats can be found in foods like crackers, cookies, cakes, shortening, margarine, hydrogenated oils and vegetable oils that have been subjected to heat-damage during cooking.

Omega 3 fish oil and weight loss
A recent study that was published in the international journal of obesity, researchers want to find out if by supplementing the diet with omega 3 fish oil (good fat) would increase the number of fat calories burned in a single day.

The two groups were fed exactly the same diet apart from one group were fed 6 grams of fat in the form of butter, olive oil, sunflower oil and peanut oil, the other group were given 6 grams of omega 3 fish oil.

The fish oil group were given 8 capsules per day, 2 in the morning, 3 at lunch and 3 in the evening.

The Total daily intake of omega 3 long chain fatty acids was 1.8 grams.

The out come of the test results were fairly conclusive.

The table below shows you the changes in fat oxidation, body fat, and metabolic rate after three weeks for the groups with or without fish oil
With fish oil            without fish oil
Measurement of body fat                    -2pounds       
Measurement of daily metabolic rate    1775 calories      
  1710 calories  
These results show that the group who were supplementing with fish oil burned about 1.1 milligram of fat per kilo per minute. This is roughly 26% higher than the other group who weren't supplementing with the fish oil.
One of the key reasons as to why omega 3 fish oil has such a powerful effect on fat metabolism is that the insulin levels were 50% lower when subjects used the fish oil. Insulin is a hormone that reduces the use of fat for fuel, while also promoting fat storage in the presence of excess calories.

Insulin increases the activity of an enzyme known to promote the storage of fat.
Insulin inhibits the action of hormone sensitive lipase, which is responsible for breaking down stored fat and preparing it for use as energy.

Insulin also activates an enzyme, which, along with fatty acid synthesis, is responsible for converting carbohydrate into fat.

Simply put, high levels of insulin make it less likely that your body will use stored fat as a fuel source. The drop in insulin levels when subjects used the fish oil would have allowed more fat to be used for energy.

ConclusionAny good doctor or nutritionist will tell you that the best way to get any nutrient is to eat a very balanced diet. In the case of Omega 3 oil this would be in the form of fish, sadly due to the pollution levels found in our oceans today eating large portions of fish every day is not advisable. The frustrating truth is that there will never be an easy quick-fix method of losing weight that is safe and simple. However, with a little research into the workings of the body, it becomes clear that there are many small things you can do which add up over time to aid weight loss and make you feel better about yourself. Taking a fish oil supplement is a good idea for anyone wanting to make positive steps towards weight loss.