Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lose weight by drinking milk

Lose weight by drinking milk!

You have tried every diet possible, based on all products imaginable ... but have you thought about the milk? Because according to U.S. researchers, calcium would not only not gain weight, but more importantly it would promote fat loss! The miracle diet that heals your online maintaining your skeleton is he?
To lose weight, you have given up on yogurt and cheese ... False! Not only you should not overlook dairy products, but instead you should even give them an important role in your diet!

More milk, less fat ...

Indeed, the calcium would have beneficial effects on overweight! That at least is the conclusion of a study conducted on U.S. 1 54 women aged 18 to 31 years for two years.
These studies have observed the effects of calcium in women whose energy intake is about 1900 kcal per day. Among those whose diets contained a total of less than 780 milligrams of calcium, the researchers found an increase in fat mass. Those who consumed about 780 milligrams of calcium had a stable weight. More interestingly, women whose contributions were an average of 1 gram per day lost weight! The effect seemed more pronounced when the source of calcium was dairy products, rather than plants or nutritional supplements.

Limited losses

While these works are relative. On the one hand, these results seem to work only for a daily energy intake of about 1900 kcal. In addition, calcium intake would have any effect on weight. In addition, with regard to getting slim women with calcium, the maximum loss was about three pounds during the entire study period ... or two years.
In addition, scientists are unaware of the mechanism of action of calcium on weight.However, if the role of this mineral in the body is confirmed, new cheese or yogurt may see the day ... Not content to be 0%, they will guarantee us a weight loss through an enriched calcium!

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Monday, January 28, 2013

lose weight quickly and easily

How to Lose Weight Quickly and Easily? This is what everyone wants right?
And yet the two are not possible at the same time.Think about it: easy weight loss will in time lose weight quickly and require considerable effort.
In fact, to lose weight quickly, you must limit calories while paying attention to nutritional and without going below the resting metabolism. This calculation is quite complex, and it requires advanced knowledge in nutrition to get there.
In addition, it is necessary to lose weight fast necessarily burn calories with physical activity. In general it does not rhyme with "lose weight easily!"
On the other side, to lose weight easily, you have to be patient. If you do not want to diet or do sports, you can change your eating habits for the long-term results. With patience, you can lose an average of 100 to 200 g per week, which is equivalent to 5 to 10 pounds in a year.
Losing weight is like winning the money it can not be easy at the same time. Or is it the lottery and there are only a lucky week. No warranties, and often a lot of money wasted for a lifetime thing. Maybe this is your case? Maybe you already bought miracle pills, discovered a suspicious site? You pay only € 2.99 for receiving super pills, and a week later your account is emptied of € 49.99 and so every two weeks? And of course the pill did not lose weight, from 2 or 3 pounds the first week due to dehydration caused by the pill? They are smart these Americans is that correct?
If you have found (e) in this situation, you've lost a few pounds quickly, easily, but you have also lost a few hundred dollars and you have lost weight quickly recovered.
No, lose weight quickly and easily, this is not possible.
What is possible however is to follow a nutritional program customized and adapted over a defined period, with the support of a professional weight loss. This method is not easy, but it is easy to follow, it does not require any special knowledge (expert follows you), it is spread over time (count an average of 1kg per week) and the weight loss is permanent.
Lose weight this way is much more reasonable and the success rate is very high (20% success rate with a GP, 35% with a dietician or nutritionist, 80% with a coach or expert in weight loss).

Friday, January 25, 2013

How to Lose Weight by Sleeping
How to Lose Weight by Sleeping?


a dream? No, really! sleeping 
Can  slim and lose several pounds without effort per month, provided you follow certain principles. 

 Lose Weight by Sleeping.You can lose up to 3 kilos!

"By reorganizing our day light meals and dining, we can lose during the night 2-3 Kilos per month," says Dr. Jean-Loup Dervaux. Why? Because the time of day most at risk for weight gain, it is the night when the body goes into "energy reserve". "This is the period during which the body spends fewer calories and sets aside those surplus. We wake up every morning with a few grams more," said the specialist.

The quality and quantity of sleep that you get when you are on a fat burn dieting is one of the elements that will decide the success or failure of your losing weight diet; if you do not get plenty sleep, you could not be able to achieve your weight loss goals.

We tend to take sleep for accorded but if you are able to have a good nighttimes sleep regularly and get into a beneficial sleep pattern your health will improve and it will be more comfortable to lose the extra weight you want disembarrass of.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The key to successful weight loss

The key to successful weight loss:
Contrary to popular belief, the key to success does not lie in diet, nutrition, training program or in the small miracle pill.
The key to successful weight loss can be defined in just two words. They are: persistence and consistency.

Perseverance: If you start something and you give up after one month, three months or six months, you will never get the desired results. Here's a tip: Take a picture of yourself before you start, take your weight and compare your results once a month. You will see a motivation to continue.

Consistency: Be consistent and let up except when your mind is really needed. If you need to go to the gym four times a week, do not go there two or three times ... Go four times. Consistency request to be disciplined and allows your efforts to get real results.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Lose weight without dieting!

Lose weight without dieting!

Want to lose weight without dieting? No question of going on a diet? Good news: Be aware that it is possible to lose weight without dieting or necessarily starving yourself.Change some of your (bad) habits may be enough to tip the balance on the right side. 

With my 12 slimming tips, you will refine your silhouette without depriving you ...

  • Stop fast food
  • Everyone knows that eating at fast-food is bad for your health. Except that in general we go anyway! So if you want to keep yourself on the line, stop junk food because burgers and fries, you can imagine, it is highly caloric! 

  • Swap sugary sodas against the light versions 
If you regularly drink soda ultra sweet to quench your thirst lift the foot! Opt for lighter versions some time and gradually reduce their consumption to become a fan of water, slimming ally # 1!

  • Stop snacking
If there is an enemy to our line is snacking. Especially if you eat junk food. So if cravings, it refrains before plunging headlong on a bar of chocolate. If you need to crack, do it for an apple, for example, rather than chips.

  •  walking
Walk the dog, pick up his wand (oh no it's bread grow thin!), Park a little farther than under the window of his office are to adopt new habits for a walk every day and more and burn calories.

  • Drink until you no longer feel thirsty!
You must drink. Again and again. Why? Simply because the brain, the signal of hunger and thirst is the same. Therefore when you're feeling peckish, you may in reality you just thirsty. So remember to moisturize.

  • Do not skip meals
If you think to skip the breakfast, lunch or dinner will help you lose weight, you're wrong! It is essential to at least 3 meals per day (or 4 with the taste). Why? Simply because when you skip a meal, the next you do store fat that you do not bring to your organization. So eat to lose weight! 

  • Eat at the right time
Meet her biological clock is very important. So we split times of meals based on its activities during the day and keeping the pace ... for life! This is what is called chrono-nutrition. And keeping in mind the need: Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.

  • Change dishes
Fool your brain into eating in smaller plates to reduce the portions you serve.
Another less known trick: Bet on plates of color eat less.
The idea seems you crazy? Not so much! In reality, each color has an impact on the brain. Eating a red plate open appetite. White plates are neutral with respect to blue and black, they would have a satiety effect. Why? Just because foods are black or blue and ultra rare for the brain, these colors do not return to the field of food.

  • Prepare the perfect plate
First idea to not gain weight: you must eat healthy. For this, the distribution of food on your plate should be precise ... So we keep in mind the magic slimming formula: 50% of plants (enjoy yourself on the greens), 25% protein (lean meat and fish, preferably) and 25% carbohydrates (starches friends).

  • Say goodbye to whole milk
Too rich, it is best to ignore the whole milk and build on its version rather skimmed or semi-skimmed (and here, it would be top notch) because they are much less fat and just as good!

  • Put yourself in the household
To burn calories, no mystery: We must move! Take the opportunity to make a great cleaning in your apartment. Wash the floors, scrub your kitchen and clean your windows. You burn more calories and you'll get a nickel chrome inside!
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Monday, January 21, 2013

The magic recipe to lose weight in only 7 days

This 7 days weight loss program includes daily menus as well as ready-to-eat signed Jason Falls, all delivered to your door.
This tasty and simple 7 days weight loss program make weight loss easier than ever!
Here is the recipe "miracle" 

The 7 days weight loss program: 
- 6 large onions, 
- 2 green peppers, 
- 1 or 2 large cans of tomatoes, 
- 1 large green cabbage, 
- 1 bunch of celery, 
- Seasoning salt, pepper, parsley, basil, etc. 

Cut the vegetables and cover with water resources. Boil rapidly for 10 minutes. Simmer until the vegetables are tender.This soup when mixed, may - be consumed whenever you are hungry. you can eat as many times as you want, at any time of day. It does not grow. The more you eat, the more you lose weight (if you do not eat for a long time that you are suffering from malnutrition). If you go the day, fill a thermos and take it. 

3) how to do his regime 
* the first day Eat:
- All fruits (watermelon and melon have fewer calories) except bananas 
- Soup at will 
- Drinks allowed (water, unsweetened tea) 
* 2nd day dining 
- All vegetables will, raw or cooked, especially green leafy vegetables but avoid legumes (peas but) 
- Soup will 
- Award dinner: a big baked potato with butter 
* 3rd day eat 
- Mix the 1st and 2nd days: vegetables + fruits 
- Soup will 
- No potato 
(Black coffee with no sugar allowed) 
If you follow this diet for three days without cheating, you will see that you should have lost between 2 and 3 kg. 
* 4th day eat 
- Bananas (up to 8) 
- Glass of skim milk (to taste) 
- Soup will 
* 5th day eat 
- Beef (300 to 550g) 
- Tomatoes (a box or 6 fresh tomatoes) 
- Soup will 
Remember feedings between 6 and 8 glasses of water at least to remove the acidity of your body 
* 6 th day eat 
- Beef (2 or 3 steak or other) 
- Vegetables will
- Soup will 
* 7 th day eat 
- Brown Rice 
- Juice of fruit and vegetables 
- Soup will 
After the 7th day, if you have not cheated you will have lost between 4 and 8 kg.
Forbidden foods: 
Bread, fried foods, alcoholic beverage or gas. 
Foods Allowed: 
Grilled chicken or roasted (but not the stove and remove any skin) or grilled fish instead of beef but only once in two days of beef because you need protein Beef 

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